On Thursday, Rep. John Culberson (R TX) Chairman of The Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Subcommittee opened a hearing on Military Quality of life by welcoming the four senior enlisted members of their respective services
I was asked to conduct a presentation recently about the basics of the concurrent receipt programs–CRDP and CRSC. Here is the presentation walking through some of the programs’ details. I hope you find this presentation helpful as you plan around
Our friends at the Real Warriors Campaign shared a great resource for veterans, servicemembers and their families to learn to cope with stress and boost resilience at the same time in their monthly newsletter. So whether you’re a high intensity
Just before the holidays, S. 944, a so called “Omnibus” package that bundles many bills previously approved by the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee (SVAC), was brought to the Floor for a vote by panel Chairman Bernie
Are you a veteran or caregiver in need of resources in the community for help with daily activities, healthcare, transportation, and other services? Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) can help you identify long term supports