DoD Releases Detailed Plans for Medical Billet Cuts
MOAA continues its fight to protect your access to quality care. That includes halting these cuts via this year’s NDAA.
As MOAA’s Director of Government Relations for Health Affairs, Karen Ruedisueli advocates for legislation and policy to protect the uniformed services health care benefit, including TRICARE and the direct care system of military hospitals and clinics. She builds relationships on Capitol Hill and with DoD leaders, TRICARE contractors, and fellow advocates to advance solutions to Military Health System issues and ensure transparency and accountability in policy implementation. She also advises MOAA’s Health Care Board Committee.
MOAA continues its fight to protect your access to quality care. That includes halting these cuts via this year’s NDAA.
MOAA and our partners will work toward a solution bringing coverage in line with civilian plans.
We asked for your input, and you responded. Here’s how we’re protecting your health care benefit.
Here’s how the Stop Copay Overpay Act would help military families and retirees.
Our nation has relied heavily on these servicemembers in recent months. Find out how you can help.
These multibillion-dollar deals will determine how you access your earned health care. Here’s what’s at stake.