I’ve heard about an “elevator pitch,” but what is it, and do I need one?

I’ve heard about an “elevator pitch,” but what is it, and do I need one?
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From the Expert: Also known as your 30-second commercial, the elevator pitch is a short, persuasive statement about who you are and what you can do for a company.


You absolutely need one, as it is "YOU marketing YOU" in 30 to 60 seconds – or about the time it takes to ride from the top to the bottom of a building in an elevator.


Your elevator pitch should include:  

  • Your name and overarching career goal. 
  • Your unique value-added/what you do/area of expertise. 
  • Your proudest accomplishments, relative to the listener.
  • A conclusion where you can engage with a question (“But enough about me ... what do you do?”) 


Whenever you’re asked: “So, what are your plans?” or “What’s next for you?” be prepared with your succinct elevator pitch. Learn more here.


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Capt. Pat L. Williams, USN (Ret), PhD, PHR®
Capt. Pat L. Williams, USN (Ret), PhD, PHR®


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