Surviving Spouse Corner: Join Our Virtual Chapter

Surviving Spouse Corner: Join Our Virtual Chapter
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The Surviving Spouse Virtual Chapter needs you, and you need the Surviving Spouse Virtual Chapter if you are a surviving spouse or a surviving spouse liaison. The only requirements are to be a surviving spouse or a surviving spouse liaison, and a member of MOAA. There are no dues.


MOAA now has six virtual chapters -- affinity groups offering opportunities for camaraderie, solving problems, and sharing information.


Our virtual chapter provides a place for surviving spouses and surviving spouse liaisons to learn important information, share ideas, and form new relationships with friends who share a common bond. A member recently commented that she got the most useful and important information from this group that she could not find other places.


We meet once a month on the third Tuesday of each month; however, we do not meet in November or December due to busy holiday schedules.


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Once you join, you will receive a notice each month with a link for joining the meeting. In odd-numbered months, beginning with January, meetings are more formal, with an agenda and a guest speaker. Some of the topics covered this past year were working with the VA, downsizing, Everplans, and MOAA Vacations.


In even-numbered months, meetings are more informal and are primarily for information sharing. In both meetings, there is always the latest information provided about important advocacy issues that affect spouses, surviving spouses, and families.


In addition, there is a book club that meets once a month on the third Monday of the month. Books are chosen by the participants and include both fiction and nonfiction. 


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The Surviving Spouse Virtual Chapter, chartered in 2018, began with 10 members and has grown to 250 members from almost every state — but not all 50 yet. Florida and Texas lead the way with the most members, but we have some states with no members, such as Rhode Island, West Virginia, Louisiana, Nebraska, Iowa, and Wyoming. I challenge anyone from a state not represented today to join the chapter by our next meeting in September.


For additional information or to join, contact or find us on Here, you can also find links to critical advocacy issues and helpful resources and benefits.


As many members have noted, one of the biggest benefits of joining this virtual chapter is the camaraderie and friendships with so many others who share their problems and concerns. So, don’t delay — join today! I promise you will be glad you did.


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About the Author

Virginia "Gail" Joyce, Surviving Spouse
Virginia "Gail" Joyce, Surviving  Spouse

Joyce is a MOAA board member and chair of the Surviving Spouse Virtual Chapter.