The eight members of MOAA's Surviving Spouse Advisory Council (SSAC) — along with many surviving spouse liaisons and individual survivors — impacted thousands of surviving spouses, spouses, and military members during 2024 through our advocacy efforts, training program, special presentations, speaking engagements, chapter meetings, and individual counseling sessions.
We also promoted MOAA’s strategic priorities at every opportunity through education, encouragement, and engagement. One of our greatest achievements this year was the writing and publication of the guide Preparing for the Loss of A Military Spouse. We also wrote 12 online columns.
Farewells and Welcomes
In 2024, we said farewell to three of our hard-working SSAC members who were with us for six years: Barbara Smith, Renee Matthews, and Nancy Mullen. We will certainly miss their input and experience! We also welcomed three new members: Susan Collins, Cheryl Toland, and Roy Yenchesky, who is the SSAC’s first male non-survivor. He has been a surviving spouse liaison for five years and brings with him not only extensive experience in working with survivors but also a fresh perspective.
Liaison Training
SSAC members led Surviving Spouse Liaison (SSL) Training held during five Regional Leadership Workshops -- three in-person (in Florida, South Carolina, and Nevada) and two virtual events. The average attendance for each workshop was 100, with an average of 30 attending each SSL training session. The training got high marks from the attendees. SSAC members continue to fine-tune the training based on evaluations and comments from participants. At our last training in Nevada, we added a session on caregiving led by Linda Wolverton from Arizona.
In addition to our MOAA activities, many of our members worked with other organizations and promoted MOAA values. Roy Yenchesky spoke to the Judge Advocate Virtual Chapter and the Wichita Retired Officers Wives Club. Nora Durham made a presentation to Partners Losing Partners Outreach group. Pat Green met with the American Korean War League. Many surviving spouses were involved with Wreaths Across America.
Advocacy Efforts
All our members actively promote important legislation statewide and nationally. All SSAC members visited their elected representatives during MOAA’s April Advocacy in Action event. We work closely with our Government Relations team and support the work of other organizations. For example, Nancy Mullen attended the Survivor Day on the Hill that was organized by the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors and supported by MOAA. One spouse from a small state singlehandedly got a bill passed for surviving spouses to get free parking at the airport.
Membership in the virtual chapter continued to grow, with 285 members from 38 states. The chapter meets on the third Tuesday of each month. Every other month is a business meeting with a speaker, and the other months are informal gatherings to exchange information and ideas. Attendance varies but usually includes 30 at the social meetings and about 60 at a more formal meeting. SSAC members are responsible for the management of the chapter.
MOAA Surviving Spouses & Friends Facebook Group has over 850 members and provides updated information on important surviving spouse issues — especially regarding legislation important to surviving spouses and their families. Former SSAC member Kathy Prout is the administrator, with Kathy Thorp and Nancy Mullen assisting.
We will continue to work on increasing surviving spouse membership for national MOAA, local chapters, and the virtual chapter. Currently, surviving spouses represent about 12% of MOAA membership — that is approximately 44,000 voices, voters, and volunteers. We are a significant force in the organization.
In 2024, two excellent finalists were the recipients of the Surviving Spouse Liaison Excellence Award: Linda Wolverton from the Luke (Ariz.) Chapter and 1st Lt. John Glenn, USMC (Ret), from the Missouri Council of Chapters. Linda works around the clock helping the members of her chapter to be better prepared for the future along with attending to everyday needs such as caregiving. John has been a solid leader for the Missouri Council of Chapters and was one of the leaders to help organize Missouri’s new seminar for all servicemembers and their families and survivors about being prepared for the future.
The SSAC looks forward to an exciting and promising 2025, including supporting MOAA’s TotalForce+ conference in October, participating in April’s Advocacy in Action event, and growing the Surviving Spouse Virtual Chapter.
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