Open Enrollment Season Is Here!

Open Enrollment Season Is Here!
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This content is sponsored by MOAA Insurance Plans, administered by AMBA Administrators, Inc.


Fall is generally Open Enrollment season for health benefits. It’s time to review your current health needs and determine the best coverage for you and your family in the year ahead.


Whether you are active duty, retired from active service and work a second career, or are fully retired, you likely need to make a choice about your 2024 health care coverage. There are a few key dates to keep in mind.


TRICARE Open Season Runs Nov. 13 Through Dec. 12, 2023

Now is the time to determine which plan will best serve you and your family’s heath care needs in 2024. TRICARE Open Season applies to anyone enrolled in or eligible for a TRICARE Prime option, including the US Family Health Plan (USFHP), or TRICARE Select. Changes made during TRICARE Open Season will go into effect on the following Jan. 1.


If you are enrolled in TRICARE Prime or Select, you may also want to consider purchasing a TRICARE Supplement to help cover out-of-pocket medical expenses. Learn more about the MOAA-endorsed MEDIPLUS TRICARE Supplement Insurance Plan available to MOAA members under age 65


FEDVIP Open Season Runs Nov. 13 Through Dec. 11, 2023

The Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP) provides dental and vision coverage. You can check for eligibility and compare plans online


Another option for vision insurance is the MOAA-endorsed Vision Insurance Plan. This plan is available to MOAA members throughout the year and does not have any open enrollment period.


Medicare Open Enrollment Period Runs Oct. 15 Through Dec. 7, 2023

As you think about how Medicare will cover your health care needs, your first major decision should be whether you want to enroll in federally run original Medicare or select a Medicare Advantage plan, the private insurance alternative.​


In 2023 more than half (51%) of the eligible Medicare population enrolled in a Medicare Advantage Plan.* These plans continue to grow in popularity.


A Medicare Advantage plan may help reduce or eliminate gaps in your healthcare coverage and provide access to additional services and benefits that may not be covered. Medicare eligible individuals can select from any Medicare Advantage plan in their area.


MOAA’s Insurance Plan Administrator, AMBA, offers a Medicare Advantage program. Call 1-855-205-2775 for guidance at no-cost to help you determine if a Medicare Advantage plan is right for your unique health care needs.


*-Medicare Advantage in 2023: Enrollment Update and Key Trends