Pennsylvania Now Offers Free College for National Guard Families

Pennsylvania Now Offers Free College for National Guard Families
Members of the Pennsylvania National Guard's 131st Transportation Company return from a yearlong Afghanistan deployment in 2011. (Photo by Sgt. Matt Jones/Army)
This article by Jim Absher first appeared on, the premier resource for the military and veteran community.

A new Pennsylvania law, touted as the first of its kind in the U.S., gives education benefits to the families of Pennsylvania National Guard members.

Under the new program, signed into law July 1, Pennsylvania guard members who commit to an additional six years of service can receive 10 semesters of higher education benefits for their family members. The program is only good at state colleges in Pennsylvania.

"Pennsylvania National Guard members and their spouses and children give a tremendous sacrifice to keep residents safe. These families endure hardships that include many sleepless nights away from one another during overseas deployments, training exercises, and domestic emergencies," Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf said in a statement. "The Military Family Education Program is a fitting way to pay tribute to the families who give this selfless support."

[RELATED: MOAA's Educational Assistance Programs]

The law is effective immediately, and is only good for new extensions of military service.

Troops cannot get the benefit without agreeing to a new six-year commitment, or use the same six-year period of service to qualify for both the Pennsylvania National Guard Education Assistance Program and the Family Education Program. Guardsmen should check with their units for more information.

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