Departing Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Offers Note of Thanks to MOAA

Departing Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Offers Note of Thanks to MOAA
Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Paul Selva, USAF, speaks during a Pentagon ceremony in 2016. Selva's retirement ceremony took place Wednesday. (Photo by Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images)

By MOAA Staff

Gen. Paul Selva, USAF, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, retired July 31 after a 39-year military career. Shortly before leaving uniform, he offered words of thanks to MOAA for its work on behalf of those who serve.

“The two million men and women wearing the uniform today are the pride of this Nation, and they could not accomplish what we have asked them to do without support from organizations like yours,” Selva wrote to MOAA President and CEO Lt. Gen. Dana T. Atkins, USAF (Ret).

The retiring general also offered “sincere appreciation for your commitment to our Armed Forces and their families,” and wrote that he and his wife, Ricki, “look forward to seeing all you do for future generations of our military.”

Read the full note here.

Selva’s four decades of service included multiple command assignments — he served as head of U.S. Transportation Command prior to taking over as the nation’s second-highest-ranking military officer in 2015 – as well as more than 3,300 flight hours across multiple airframes.

“All of MOAA’s members and staffers wish General Selva continued success, and we’ll do our utmost to live up to his high praise and kind words,” Atkins said. “We will continue to support those who serve, past and present, as well as their families. We owe it to those like General Selva and others who have given so much of themselves on behalf of this nation.”


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