Congress Is Back to Work: Ask Your Lawmaker to Support These Critical NDAA Provisions

Congress Is Back to Work: Ask Your Lawmaker to Support These Critical NDAA Provisions
Photo by Lance Cpl. Zachary Beatty/Marine Corps

By MOAA Staff

Regardless of where you get your news, it’s likely the lead story hasn’t focused on a key bill that should be top of mind for all members of the military community.

This week, as lawmakers return from recess, conferees will shape the FY20 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). In so doing, they have the chance to work toward enacting meaningful reforms for servicemembers past and present, and their families.

MOAA continues its efforts to ensure critical language reaches the final version of this bill. If you haven’t joined these efforts, do so now; if you have, share this story and the previous link with others in your network to help spread the word.

MOAA is working toward a bipartisan NDAA that would:


Language supporting these positions already has cleared a major hurdle – reaching the conferee stage of the NDAA process. However, while many of the above proposals have overwhelming bipartisan support, their inclusion in the final bill is far from a sure thing. That’s why MOAA continues to push, and why your voice remains necessary.

So send a letter and spread the word. Need more details? Visit MOAA’s advocacy news page for the latest on these issues and others.


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