MOAA Honored at Association Media & Publishing Awards

MOAA Honored at Association Media & Publishing Awards
Kristina Code / MOAA

MOAA’s award-winning magazine, Military Officer, was recognized for outstanding achievement in several categories at Association Media & Publishing’s Annual EXCEL Awards Gala held in Washington, D.C., June 24.

The AM&P Annual EXCEL Awards Gala recognizes excellence and leadership in nonprofit association media, publishing, marketing, and communications. During a dinner event, Military Officer was awarded a prestigious silver award for its dynamic redesign, which launched with the January 2018 issue and continues to be updated.

The magazine also received bronze awards in the categories of Feature Article Design for “Cutting a Lonely Path,” August 2018, about the Coast Guard’s greatly limited ice cutter fleet; Feature Article, “Anatomy of a Cave Rescue,” October 2018, about the key role U.S. servicemembers played rescuing trapped children from a cave in Thailand in July 2018; and Feature Article, “Sacred Transfer,” May 2018, about how troops at Dover AFB, Del., care for fallen servicemembers’ remains.

Laural Hobbes is the senior editor at Military Officers Association of America.


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About the Author

Laural Hobbes
Laural Hobbes

Hobbes is a former senior editor at Military Officer magazine.