MOAA chapter and council officers have access to these materials, but login is required for some of the videos. Your MOAA website username and password is needed to access those.
[RELATED: MOAA's Council and Chapter Social Media Guide]
If you experience difficulties accessing the site, you may always call for assistance. Our Member Service Center is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern (Monday-Friday) at (800) 234-6622. If you’d like to use the links provided on the login page to reset your own username or password, you may do so online.
For upcoming events, meetings, roundtables, and more, visit MOAA's Council and Chapter Dates to Know page.
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Leader Workshops/Meetings
Watch video and download slides from the virtual meeting held Jan. 14.
Council and Chapter Leaders Virtual Workshop (August 2024) – Surviving Spouse Liaison Training
Watch video from the virtual workshop held Aug. 14.
Council and Chapter Leaders Virtual Workshop (August 2024) – Legislative Training
Watch video and download slides from the virtual workshop held Aug. 14.
Council and Chapter Leaders Virtual Workshop (August 2024) – Experienced Leaders’ Training and Lunch with VP/Senior Leaders Panel
Watch video and download slides from the virtual workshop held Aug. 14.
Quarterly Council Presidents' and Independent Chapter Presidents' Meeting (August 2024)
Watch video and download slides from the virtual meeting held Aug. 14.
Council and Chapter Leaders Virtual Workshop (August 2024) – Chapter Management Training
Watch video and download slides from the virtual workshop held Aug. 14.
Council and Chapter Leaders Virtual Workshop (March 2024) – Vice President Panel Discussion
Watch video from the March 28 panel event.
Council and Chapter Leaders Virtual Workshop (March 2024) – Chapter Management Training
Watch video and download slides from the virtual workshop held March 28.
Quarterly Council Presidents' and Independent Chapter Presidents' Meeting (February 2024)
Watch video from the virtual meeting held Feb. 28.
Quarterly Council Presidents' and Independent Chapter Presidents' Meeting (November 2023)
Watch video from the virtual meeting held Nov. 16.
Quarterly Council Presidents' and Independent Chapter Presidents' Meeting (August 2023)
Watch video from the virtual meeting held Aug. 22.
Quarterly Council Presidents' and Independent Chapter Presidents' Meeting (February 2023)
Watch video from the virtual meeting held Feb. 22.
Quarterly Council Presidents' and Independent Chapter Presidents' Meeting (November 2022)
Watch video from the virtual meeting held Nov. 16.
Quarterly Council Presidents' and Independent Chapter Presidents' Meeting (May 2022)
Watch video from the virtual meeting held May 25.
Quarterly Council Presidents' and Independent Chapter Presidents' Meeting (February 2022)
Watch video from the virtual meeting held Feb. 17.
Florida Council Leadership Seminar
Download photos from the Florida Council of Chapters website.
Council and Chapter Virtual Workshop (September 2021)
Download the Leaders Workbook from the Sept. 17 virtual workshop (Mid-Atlantic Region) here.
Quarterly Council Presidents' and Independent Chapter Presidents' Meeting (December 2021)
Watch video from the virtual meeting held Dec. 9.
Council and Chapter Virtual Workshop (August 2021)
Watch video from the virtual workshop held Aug. 27. Download the workbook here.
Quarterly Council Presidents' and Independent Chapter Presidents' Meeting (August 2021)
Watch video from the virtual meeting held Aug. 18.
Quarterly Council Presidents' Meeting (May 2021)
Watch video from the virtual meeting held May 26.
Quarterly Council Presidents Meeting (February 2021)*
MOAA’s Council and Chapter Affairs team provides program updates, reviews important upcoming dates, and answers questions from the Council Presidents.
Council and Chapter Virtual Workshop (January 2021)
Watch videos from the virtual workshop held Jan. 9.
Council and Chapter Virtual Workshop (March 2024)
Access resources from the virtual workshop. Video recording coming soon.
CM/NRT Training - MOAA’s Database Now Open to Phase 1 Councils and Chapters (February 2025)
MOAA’s reinstated Committee Module (CM) and Near Real Time (NRT) Report is now open to the Phase 1 councils and chapters. Access a recording of the roundtable at the link above, along with more resources to help get started with the CM/NRT, make changes to the roster, and generate NRT reports. You will also receive progress updates from MOAA and chapter leaders who share their testimonies.
Advocacy in Action (January 2025)
Find out what council and chapter leaders should be doing to connect with lawmakers, schedule appointments, study materials, and encourage participation either in-person or in their local community.
Awards: New Submission Process (December 2024)
Learn about the Affiliated Councils and Chapters awards process, including new changes to the application process, and more details about MOAA National's four annual awards.
Committee Module (CM) Training (November 2024)
MOAA’s new CM will be open soon to presidents and membership chairs. This training is an inside look on how to navigate the CM and generate potential lists (NRT reports), as well as how to update chapter meeting details and add new members to a roster.
Community Outreach (October 2024)
Learn about The MOAA Foundation’s Community Outreach Grant program, how to apply for grants, website resources and tips, and some of the chapter leaders who had successful events.
New Chapter Dues Payment Portal Familiarization (September 2024)
Learn about the new Chapter Dues Payment Portal.
Chapter Health (July 2024)
Learn about how MOAA national assesses the effectiveness and health of our chapters, and how chapters can self-assess these same things.
Generational Recruiting (June 2024)
Learn more about recruiting efforts from fellow chapter leaders, including best practices and answers to common questions.
MOAA Individual Awards Program (May 2024)
Learn about the council and chapter awards process, including upcoming changes, application information, and more details about MOAA National's annual awards.
MOAA Marketing (April 2024)
Learn about MOAA's Marketing Programs, MOAA store items, and incentives from Chief Master Sgt. Mark Stevenson, USAF (Ret), MOAA's senior director of Business Development, Products and Services. Additional feedback and updates provided by Capt. Jim Carman, USN (Ret), MOAA's vice president of Council/Chapter and Member Support.
Advocacy in Action 2024 (March 2024)
Find out what council and chapter leaders should be doing to connect with lawmakers, schedule appointments, study materials, and encourage participation either in-person or in their local community.
Enhanced Committee Module (February 2024)
Learn about some of the new features soon to be unveiled when MOAA completes the migration of the current database system to the new Association Management System (AMS).
Compliance and Legal Topics (January 2024)
Learn about compliance and legal topics via a presentation from Maj. Gen. Joe Lynch, USAF (Ret), MOAA general counsel. This presentation includes information on liability insurance options from our affiliate partner, AMBA.
Awards (October 2023)
Learn about the council and chapter awards process, including upcoming changes, application information, and more details about MOAA National's four annual awards.
Recruiting and Retention (September 2023)
Learn about best practices to recruit new members and retain current members, led by Cmdr. Terry L Sparks, USN (Ret), president of the Whidbey Island Chapter, and Mrs. Pam Angle, secretary of the Tarheel Central Chapter.
Finance and Benefits (August 2023)
Learn about financial planning and benefits, led by Capt. Paul J. Frost, AFC®, USN (Ret), MOAA's Program Director for Financial and Benefits Education/Counseling/Veteran Services.
Chapter Assessments (July 2023)
Learn about how MOAA national assesses the effectiveness and health of our chapters, and how chapters can self-assess these same things.
MOAA Awards (May 2023)
Learn about MOAA Awards, how to submit nominations for the Steve Strobridge, Surviving Spouse Liaison, Community Grants, Leadership, Presidents and other special awards. This webinar also provides updates on our Council and Chapter Affairs training dates, timelines, and guidelines.
MOAA Marketing (April 2023)
Learn about MOAA's Marketing Programs, MOAA store items, and incentives from Chief Master Sgt. Mark Stevenson, USAF (Ret), MOAA's senior director of Business Development, Products and Services; and Brittni Rhoads, MOAA's senior manager of Business Development, Membership and Marketing. Additional feedback and updates provided by Capt. Jim Carman, USN (Ret), MOAA's vice president of Council/Chapter and Member Support.
Advocacy (March 2023)
MOAA’s vice president of Government Relations, Col. Dan Merry, USAF (Ret), provides background and information on MOAA’s advocacy efforts, legislative priorities, and how our councils and chapters play in intricate part in making our voices heard on the hill.
Generational Recruiting (January 2023)
Learn more about recruiting efforts from fellow chapter leaders, including best practices and answers to common questions.
End of Year Review (December 2022)
Learn about MOAA's priorities and initiatives in the new year, along with key dates to know.
Transition Services (October 2022)
Learn about transition services, professional development, engaging employers and using social networking resources like LinkedIn, MOAA’s virtual career fairs, and much more. Col. Brian Anderson, USAF (Ret), MOAA's senior director of transition and member services, explains the best methods of staying connected.
Levels of Excellence Award Changes (September 2022)
Find out about the changes made to the 2022-23 Levels of Excellence program. This roundtable touches on a new level of award, visit reports being considered, and raising the bar on some criteria (e.g. Committee Module usage) and more emphasis on the subjective grading.
Community Outreach – Emergency Relief (August 2022)
Learn about The MOAA Foundation’s Community Outreach Grant program, how to apply for grants, website resources and tips, and some of the chapter leaders who had successful events.
Recruiting (June 2022)
Listen to a wide-ranging discussion on chapter recruiting efforts featuring several MOAA chapter leaders from across the nation.
Media Exposure/October Military Officer (May 2022)
Leaders discuss chapter involvement in the upcoming October 2022 issue of Military Officer magazine, as well as maximizing opportunities for local media coverage.
Crisis Relief Grant Program (April 2022)
Learn about this program offered through The MOAA Foundation from Rebecca Culhane, MOAA development associate.
Generating Revenue (March 2022)
Learn about revenue-generating programs and suggested fundraising activities, and receive an overview of best practices from Col. Bill Betson, USA (Ret), president of the Fort Knox (Ky.) Chapter.
Council/Chapter Social Media Guide (January 2022)
Are you looking for ways to improve or expand your chapter or council's online presence? Have you been tasked to start up a social media account for your council or chapter and you're worried about how to get started? Are you eager to help your members embrace the social media space? Click the above link to view a video adapted from our January 2022 leadership roundtable, and to download presentation slides and more resources to improve your digital footprint.
Communications Award Process and Best Practices (December 2021)
Find out more about necessary requirements before submitting your Communications Award package. Contributing Editor Blair Drake and Program Manager Victoria Twyne provide an in-depth discussion along with best practices for council and chapter leaders to consider using with print/e-newsletters and websites.
Community Outreach Grant Program Roundtable Discussion (November 2021)
Listen to MOAA’s development associate describe the MOAA Foundation’s Community Outreach Chapter Grant program and explain how the application and selection process works. The roundtable also included discussion of the Community Sponsorship program. Each of these resources can help fund council and chapter efforts in their communities.
Retention/Succession Planning Roundtable Discussion (October 2021)
Check out a discussion on retention and succession planning led by Col. Steve Bond, USA (Ret), MOAA Cape Canaveral Chapter president and Florida Council membership chair.
Recruiting Roundtable Discussion (September 2021)
Check out a discussion on recruiting new members led by Maj. Sherry Ferki, RN, USA (Ret), second vice president of MOAA's Portsmouth (Va.) Area Chapter, and former Air Force Capt. Donna Culp, president of MOAA's Western North Carolina Chapter.
ROTC/JROTC Roundtable Discussion (July 2021)
Col. DK Berry, USAF (Ret), president of the MOAA Arkansas Council of Chapters, leads this very informative discussion on ROTC/JROTC program support. It includes council and chapter leaders from across the country as they engage in a meaningful discussion about best practices and overall support of these vital programs.
Recorded Webinars
Community Outreach Grant Program (2022)
This webinar provides information on The MOAA Foundation’s Community Outreach Grant Program, including a brief overview of the program, the application process, some best practices, and frequently asked questions.
Chapter Management in 2020
A tutorial on how to manage a chapter, including best practices, recruiting tools and resources, and MOAA key dates and initiatives that all chapters should be aware of.
MOAA Designated Scholarship Program
A short overview of the MOAA Scholarship Fund and Educational Assistance Program and why a designated scholarship may be a good option for MOAA’s councils and chapters to consider.
The MOAA Foundation
Get insights for those wishing to learn more about how The MOAA Foundation is helping military families every day.
Chapter Tax Exemption Status Webinar*
Specialized training for those wishing to learn more about the procedures for obtaining exemption recognition, annual filing requirements and other pertinent information regarding the tax status for your affiliate organization.
Legislative Affairs Webinar
Learn more about the roles and responsibilities of the legislative chair/liaison position, grassroots advocacy efforts and legislative priorities in this webinar.
Event Planning Webinar
Specialized training for those wishing to learn more about organizing large functions and the art of event planning.
*Username and password are needed to access these videos.
Note: Your computer may prompt you to download software to view some older videos. Webpages may not format properly, but the video should play.