MOAA Resolutions 2024-2026


Resolution No. 1 – People First

Whereas, providing for the common defense, as described in the United States Constitution, requires a combat-ready armed force, trained and capable, for immediate action to deter and, if necessary, decisively defeat threats to our homeland or allies vital to our national interests and security; and


Whereas, MOAA’s mission is, “To preserve and protect earned benefits for our uniformed services, veterans, their families, and surviving spouses through advocacy, leadership, education, and service;” therefore be it


Resolved, MOAA will direct its efforts with intentions to:

  • Ensure our nation keeps its promises to those who have served in any of the eight uniformed services; and
  • Advocate for uniformed services of size and caliber adequate to the defense of our country; and
  • Advocate for the full pay and allowances, retiree pay with full cost of living adjustments, concurrent receipt of all earned pays; disability compensation, survivor benefits, Social Security and Medicare; burial and other promised benefits earned through years of service and sacrifice; and
  • Advocate to protect the military health care benefit and support an affordable, high quality, and comprehensive health care benefit that serves all eligible uniformed services beneficiaries; and
  • Convey the importance of those promises as essential to building trust with our nation’s public and influencers who are instrumental in shaping positive narratives to restore our ability to recruit the nation’s best; and
  • Work on behalf of service members of all ranks and their families, and survivors, regarding any matters under Congressional or Executive Branch consideration involving service-earned benefits.

Resolution No. 2 – National Defense and Fiscal Challenges

Whereas, the total force is burdened by budgetary and other constraints to meet mission requirements, significantly impacting the quality of life of servicemembers from all components and their families, with serious implications for retention and readiness; therefore, be it


Resolved, MOAA will continue to meet with Congress and the Executive Branch to advocate for their support on issues impacting the all-volunteer force, past and present, and to ensure successful transition back to civilian life; be it further

Resolved, MOAA will continue to advocate for full and timely appropriations to fund those departments responsible for all eight of our uniformed services to avoid costly continuing resolutions to ensure an effective national defense.


Resolution No. 3 – Membership

Whereas, MOAA, as a membership-based association, must recruit, serve, and retain members to be effective now and in the future; and


Resolved, MOAA will continue to work diligently to grow membership, thereby enhancing the association’s influence among legislators, executive leaders, and civilian organizations, be it further


Resolved, MOAA will demonstrate the relevance of membership by providing all members the products and services that best meet their individual needs at all life stages; thereby, resulting in greater lifetime value for the member and the organization.


Resolution No. 4 – Council and Chapter System

Whereas, MOAA relies on grassroots volunteers to reinforce our national advocacy efforts through the Council and Chapter System; and

Resolved, MOAA will continue to encourage MOAA national members to join their local chapter or a virtual chapter and become a part of the collective efforts dedicated to advancing the association’s legislative advocacy agenda; be it further

Resolved, MOAA will encourage and support the efforts of our local and virtual chapters to grow membership in the national association and at the chapter level and serve the military and veteran community in impactful ways through advocacy, leadership, education, and service.


Resolution No. 5 – Philanthropy

Whereas, MOAA acknowledges the importance of philanthropy in supporting servicemembers, veterans, their families, and survivors beyond advocacy efforts; and


Whereas, MOAA supports the MOAA Scholarship Fund; and The MOAA Foundation, in their efforts to provide the entire military and uniformed services community with high impact, meaningful programs regardless of rank or branch of service; and


Whereas, MOAA recognizes the critical role of the MOAA Scholarship Fund, and The MOAA Foundation in providing essential support to those in need; and


Whereas, MOAA emphasizes the importance of providing meaningful support and impactful resources to individuals and families from all ranks and branches of service, therefore be it


Resolved, MOAA reaffirms its commitment to supporting and promoting the philanthropic endeavors of the MOAA Scholarship Fund, and The MOAA Foundation; be it further


Resolved, MOAA will actively engage with its members, partners, and the public to raise awareness and resources for these charitable initiatives, recognizing the profound impact they have; be it further


Resolved, MOAA will explore innovative ways to expand the reach, effectiveness, and impact of its philanthropic efforts, ensuring these efforts continue to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those who have served and sacrificed for our nation.