The Council meets at least two times a year to conduct business. Normally once in the Spring and once in the Fall. The spring meeting, usually after the Storming of the Hill, is done as a video tele conference with all the member chapters invited to participate. The fall meeting is an in-person meeting held in a location most accessible to all chapters. The fall meeting shall be the annual business meeting for determination of dues (as approved by the chapter presidents) for the following calendar year and, every odd-numbered year, for the election of officers for the coming biennium. The President may from time-to-time call special meetings of the officers or Council to conduct urgent business. Notice of any special meeting with a statement of the time, place, method (i.e., in person or by video) and information as to the subject or subjects to be considered shall be by mail or electronic means to each chapter president, council officer and appointed official of the Council. Member chapters must be in good standing (i.e., current dues paid) to vote at meetings of the council.