Membership in the MOAA Chapter is open to anyone who holds or has ever held a commission or warrant in any component of the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Public Health Service or National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and their surviving spouses. Chapter dues are $25 a year and are due as of January 1st. New members who join later in the year will have their dues prorated depending on the quarter they join. A monthly newsletter is published and e-mailed or mailed to the members. Members can participate in the chapter organization as officers as elected positions as President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, Treasurer, appointed positions as Secretary, Chaplain, Surviving Spouse Liaison, Legislative Liaison, various committee chairpersons and directors. Board meetings are held monthly. For membership information, contact Vince Tobola, or call 254-709-5795 and can also check web site,, for application form.