Captain Cook Chapter

Last updated 12/12/2024
Address 1143 M Court
City, State, Zip Anchorage, AK 99501
Meeting Time Monthly Except June, July, August
Meeting Place Coast International Inn
Council Website None
Basic information
Address 1143 M Court
City, State, Zip Anchorage, AK 99501
Meeting Time Monthly Except June, July, August
Meeting Place Coast International Inn
Council Website None
Information President Membership Chair Webmaster
Name Catkin Kilcher-Burton Tom Burton Edie Grunwald
Rank Col Col Col
Retirement Status RET RET RET
Phone Number (907) 301-1027 (907) 570-7473 (907) 570-7888
Email Address
Name Catkin Kilcher-Burton
Rank Col
Service USMC
Component USMC
Retirement Status RET
Phone Number (907) 301-1027
Email Address
Name Tom Burton
Rank Col
Service USMC
Component USMC
Retirement Status RET
Phone Number (907) 570-7473
Email Address
Name Edie Grunwald
Rank Col
Service USAF
Component AKANG
Retirement Status RET
Phone Number (907) 570-7888
Email Address


Information on Joining the Chapter

Membership in the MOAA Captain Cook Chapter is open to anyone who holds or has ever held a commission or warrant in any component of the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Public Health Service or National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and their surviving spouses. Membership in the national MOAA is separate from being a member in your local MOAA chapter. Dues are $25 a year. You may join or renew at or at the chapter meeting. You may (it has worked without it) need your MOAA membership number (it is on your MOAA magazine label).

Chapter Activities

2016 Calendar of Events Jan 21: Dinner Social (Verdie Bowen, State of Alaska Veterans Affairs) Feb 20: ASYMCA Salute to the Military Mar 24: Dinner Social (John Parrott, Mgr, T. Stevens Intl Airport) April ##: MOAA Storming the Hill Apr 28: Dinner Social (Speaker TBD) May 26: Dinner Social (Speaker TBD) Jun 14: Army Birthday Aug 4: Coast Guard Birthday Sep 18: Air Force Birthday Sep 22: MOAA First Dinner of Season Oct 13: Navy Birthday Oct 27: Dinner Social (Speaker TBD) Nov 10: Marine Corps Birthday Dec TBD: Holiday Dinner

Legislative Issues

The Captain Cook Chapter supports the MOAA national legislative agenda and we invite our Congressional Representative and Senators to speak to the chapter.

General Information

Membership meetings are generally on the 4th Thursday of each month except as noted. (June - August: off for the Alaska summer!) Who: Captain Cook members and guests -- bring a friend! When: 4th Thursday Time: 6 - 9 p.m. Where: Coast International Inn, 3450 Aviation Ave, Anchorage, AK 99502; (907)243-2233 Dinner: Buffet Dinner: Chef’s Choice entrée, Potatoes or rice, vegetables, rolls and butter, dessert, coffee, tea. (cost: $25 + 20% gratuity ($30) Extra Notes: -Please RSVP (e-mail preferred please) to allow proper planning for dinner -There is plenty of parking at the Coastal Inn at no charge -There will be no bar service in the room, but a cocktail service attendant will take drink orders. -RSVP at and or call (907)570-1027 (e-mail preferred).

About Our Chapter