MOAA - Military Officers Association of America

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Dear Servicemember

Click to watch a powerful video that portrays the unfair additional sacrifices the government wants you to make.

5 reasons you should worry

  1. Cuts to future military retirement are a breach of faith with the currently serving force and for retirees under age 62 – many who have experienced over 12 years of combat. Changing the deal has an immediate impact on the morale and welfare of those in uniform.

  2. Reducing COLA by 1 percentage point each year before a person reaches age 62 has a serious and profound effect on lifetime earnings. If you’ve served, you deserve the benefits promised to you.

    Retirement Pay

  3. Slashing future military COLAs breaks promises made by the administration. Former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Service GEN Martin Dempsey have both publicly said that any changes to military compensation and retirement would contain grandfather provisions.

    Panetta Dempsey
    Image courtesty of DVIDS.

  4. The real facts about spiraling cost growth are being misrepresented by Pentagon leadership.

    Personnel Costs

  5. This is just the beginning. The bottom line? If Congress and the Pentagon can break faith on promises made, how can service members trust what their leadership says about health care, pay, and retirement?

Take Action Now - Click here to contact your legislator

The Threats are real, and they're happening now

Join the fight to protect your earned benefits

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MOAA takes to local and national media to tell the ground truth

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MOAA speaks out on changes to military compensation on PBS NewsHour

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The Threat


The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013 cuts COLA for uniformed service retirees by 1% point a year until age 62.


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MOAA is the nation's largest and most influential association of military officers.

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